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Jay R's Crosstown Express Inc.

When YOU call...WE will haul!

New! Galvanized Double Flat Deck!

Jay R's Crosstown Express is pleased to announce the addition of its new 2 ton, 16 foot flat deck which is combined with a 30 foot galvanized trailer. That gives a total of 46ft hauling space. This thing can hold a lot of freight and can only help get the job done that much better. Call or email for a quote.

Call (204) 663-9567


Order Online!

To open an account click here or contact us at: (204) 663-9567

Already a Customer? Click Here

Benefits of ordering online:

  • Auto-Fill Addresses
  • Print Waybills
  • Real-Tme Tracking
  • Proof of Delivery


Partnership Announcement!

Jay R’s Crosstown Express Inc. is proud to announce its partnership with True North Sports & Entertainment. You will be seeing many forms of advertisements at the Canada Life Centre as well as the Hockey for all Centre. Crosstown will be displayed on the jumbo-Tron and watch for the ice crew with the Crosstown shovels at moose games. The concourse monitors at Jets games and the Digi-screens at the Hockey for all Centre. Crosstown Express is proud to be a productive member in the Winnipeg community and look forward to continue build business relationships in the years to come.


Now a proud member of the Winnipeg Executives Association (W.E.A.)






Free Calendar 11x18

Would you like a free calendar? reach out to us at dispatch@crosstownexpress.ca or call our office @ 204-663-9567

let us know where your business is and we will have one dropped off for you.